Problem Set 2: Introduction to Tableau

Link to the description of the supermarket sales data available in the Supermarket Sales Data Overview.

Part 1: Getting started with Tableau

Connect to the supermarket_sales.csv.

Answer the following questions using information on the Start Page, Data Source Page, and by opening a new Worksheet.

  1. What type of connection did you use to connect to supermarket_sales.csv?

  2. What type of data is supermarket_sales.csv?

  3. How many sheets are included in supermarket_sales.csv?

  4. How many data fields are included in supermarket_sales.csv?

  5. What is the role of the variable City?

  6. What is the type of the variable City?

  7. What is the role of the variable Total?

  8. What is the type of the variable Total?

  9. Create a data visualization that shows total spending by all customers in each city a store is located in. Give your sheet and figure a useful title and ensure that axes labels are easy to read and informative. What did you find? Discuss how the stores could use this information to increase sales.

  10. Create a data visualization that shows total spending for males and females in each city a store is located in. Give your figure a useful title and ensure that axes labels are easy to read and informative. What did you find? Discuss how the stores could use this information to increase sales.

  11. Title your two sheets PS2_Q9 and PS2_Q10, save your workbook, and publish it to your Tableau Public site.

Part 2: Data visualizations with Tableau

Answer the following questions that will help you determine staffing needs at each store branch. All visualizations should follow best practices for effective data visualizations, including a useful title, good formatting, and useful annotations.

  1. What times of day have the highest and lowest total sales? Explain what this means for staffing in the figure caption (annotation). Name the worksheet with this visualization PS2_12.

  2. Are there differences in peak sales hours across the three store branches? Explain what this means for staffing in the figure caption (annotation). Name the worksheet with this visualization PS2_13.

Now suppose that staffing needs are determined within departments. Department 1 includes products in the Fashion Accessories and Health and Beauty product lines. Department 2 includes products in the Food and Beverages and Home and Lifestyle product lines. Department 3 includes products in the Electronic Accessories and Sports and Travel product lines.

  1. How do sales differ across departments in Yangon? Explain what this means for staffing in the figure caption (annotation). Name the worksheet with this visualization PS2_14.

  2. What percent of total sales in Yangon occur in Department 2 on Sundays? Explain what this means for staffing in the figure caption (annotation). Name the worksheet with this visualization PS2_15.

  3. On which day of the week does Department 1 account for the largest percentage of total sales in Yangon? Explain what this means for staffing in the figure caption (annotation). Name the worksheet with this visualization PS2_16. (Hint: you will need to create a 100% stacked bar chart to answer this question)

Save your workbook and publish it to your Tableau Public site.

How to Submit

  1. Create a Webpage on Your Google Site:
  • Title the new webpage Problem Set 2.
  • This page should include your responses to Part 1 and Part 2 of the problem set.
  1. Include the Following Content:
  • Part 1:

    • Provide answers to each question (1–10).
    • For questions 9 and 10, embed the corresponding figures from your Tableau Public site directly on the webpage.
  • Part 2:

    • Embed your Tableau Public workbook on the webpage. Ensure the workbook includes a tab for each figure.
  1. Submit the Link to Your Google Site Page:
  • Copy the URL of your Google Site webpage for Problem Set 2.
  • Submit this link via Canvas.