Project 1 – Problem Set 1: Starting Project 1 and Working with Time Series Data


The objective of this assignment is to explore time series datasets and become familiar with tools to obtain and visualize time series data.

Before you begin

Review the Project 01 instructions.

Treat this assignment as the first step of your project—choose time series data that interest you and that you would like to study further.

You may work on this assignment with your partner. However, each person will submit the assignment individually. If one person builds the visualizations in Tableau, use their embed code on your Google site.

Part 1: R – Acquiring and Preparing Data

The goal of this section is to acquire and modify your data so that it is ready for visualization in Tableau.


  1. All computer programs track time numerically relative to an epoch. What is the numeric value of the assignment due date?

  2. Use the tidyquant package to access the FRED API and download three time series datasets relevant to your topic of interest.

  3. Use case_when() to rename the series to more descriptive names.

  4. Save your dataset in .csv format so that it can be used in Tableau.

Note: If you choose to use an alternative dataset, not from FRED, please get approval from the instructor.

How to Submit

  1. Create a new webpage on your Google site titled Problem Set 5.
  2. Include the following:
    • Part 1: An R script displaying the code used for data acquisition and modification.
    • Part 2: Your Tableau visualization and a written narrative.
  3. Publish the page and submit the link to your Google site webpage in Canvas.