Problem Set 5: Working with time series data

The objective of this assignment is to explore a dataset and become familiar with tools to obtain and visualize data.

Treat this assignment as the first part of your project. Choose time series that you find interesting and would like to study.

Part 1: R

The objective of this portion of the problem set is to acquire and modify your data, so that it is ready for visualization in Tableau.

  1. All computer programs track time numerically relative to an epoch. What is the numeric value of the assignment due date?

  2. Use the tidyquant package to access the FRED API and download 3 time series datasets.

  3. Use case_when() to change the name of the series to something more descriptive.

  4. Export the data in .csv format for Tableau

Part 2: Tableau

The objective of this section is to explore the data and think about something that influenced the price of the commodity you are studying. You may need to do some research and investigation to see what events influenced your price series.

  1. In Tableau, connect to the time series dataset you downloaded in part 1 (it should include 3 series).

  2. Create a visualization that shows monthly prices for your three commodities.

  1. Format your visualization by limiting the time window (to something that helps the audience see differences before and after the event you are highlighting), adding color, a useful title, appropriate marker labels, text annotations, etc.

  2. Finally, write a narrative on a new webpage on your google site. The narrative should include your time series visual from Tableau along with a description of what you are highlighting and why.

How to Submit

You should create a new webpage on your google site titled Problem Set 5. This webpage should include your responses to both Parts 1 and Parts 2 of the problem set. Part 1 should contain an R script with the code used to answer the questions (place below Part 2). Part 2 should contain your evidence of completing steps 1 & 2 and a link to your Tableau Public site. Submit the link to your google site webpage in Canvas.