Week 14 Lab: Introduction to Regression

This Lab Contributes to Course Objectives: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

Learning Objectives R

  • Estimate regression in R

Lab overview

The objective of this lab is to answer the question: Do fuel stations (i.e., convenience stores) charge more for fuel when they are closer to major roadways in the US?

What do you think? Can you formulate a hypothesis?

We will answer this question by estimating the following regression:

\[ price_i = \alpha + \beta ~ dist_i + \varepsilon_i \]

where \(price\) is the average price of all fuel sold at store \(i\) in July 2023, \(dist_i\) is the distance between the store and its nearest major roadway (e.g., interstate, US/State highway) in kilometers, \(\alpha\) is the intercept, and \(\beta\) is the slope.

What is the conceptual interpretation of \(\beta\)?

Data processing

We will continue using the convenience store data that we have been using, but we will focus on the fuel products. You do not need to run the following code. It is here as a reference

#This script constructs a dataset of convenience stores, fuel prices, and distance from major roads and estimates a regression


# read in the transaction level data
shopper_info <- read_csv("https://csu-arec-330.github.io/materials/unit_03/inputs/shopper_info.csv.gz")

# Function to classify fuel and not fuel based on descriptions
classify_fuel <- function(description) {
  # Check if the description is not NA and is a character
  if (!is.na(description) && is.character(description)) {
    # Convert description to lower case for case-insensitivity
    description_lower <- tolower(description)
    # Define keywords associated with fuel
    fuel_keywords <- c("unld","unlead", "unleaded", "regular", "mid", "premium", "diesel", 
                       "gas", "ethanol", "e85", "fuel", "octane", "ultra", "prem","super")
    # Check for the presence of fuel-related keywords or a number in the description
    if (any(sapply(fuel_keywords, grepl, x = description_lower)) || grepl("[0-9]", description_lower)) {
    } else {
      return("not fuel")
  } else {
    return("not fuel")

store_gas <- shopper_info %>%
  filter(is.na(gtin)) %>%
  mutate(gas = sapply(pos_description, classify_fuel)) %>% #classify all observations as fuel or not
  filter(gas=="fuel") %>% #remove non-fuel observations
  group_by(store_id) %>% 
  summarise(unit_price=mean(unit_price,na.rm = T)) %>% #calculate the average price of fuel items sold at the location
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(between(unit_price,2.5,5)) #based on a distribution of the data, remove fuel prices less than $2.50 and above $5.00

#plot the distribution of price data
#ggplot(store_gas,aes(x=unit_price)) + geom_histogram()

#Now we need to calculate the distance between each store and its nearest major road

# read in convenience store location dataset
store_raw <- read_csv("https://csu-arec-330.github.io/materials/unit_03/inputs/store_info.csv.gz")

#join the store-level fuel price back to the raw store dataset to attach the coordinates
store_gas_geo <- inner_join(store_gas,select(store_raw,store_id,latitude,longitude),by="store_id") %>%

#Load all US primary roads - downloaded from https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles/index.php?year=2021&layergroup=Roads
us_roads <- st_read("tl_2021_us_primaryroads/tl_2021_us_primaryroads.shp") %>%

#Find nearest primary road
nd <- st_nearest_feature(df,us_roads)
#Calculate distance from store to nearest primary road
df <- mutate(df,dist=as.numeric(st_distance(df,us_roads[nd,],by_element = T))/1000)

mapview(df,col.region="red") + mapview(us_roads[nd,],col.region="blue")

#split store gas into chunks to process and cache
# Calculate the number of groups needed
group_size <- 100
number_of_groups <- ceiling(nrow(store_gas_geo) / group_size)

#Create cache directory if it doesn't exist
if(!dir.exists("rd_cache")) dir.create("rd_cache")

#Create progress bar
pb <- progress_bar$new(total = number_of_groups)

#Loop through chunks first calculating the nearest road to each store, then calculating the distance to that road and caching the results
store_gas_geo %>%
  group_split(gid=rep(1:number_of_groups, each=group_size, length.out=nrow(.))) %>%
    #Find nearest primary road
    nd <- st_nearest_feature(df,us_roads)
    #Calculate distance from store to nearest primary road
    mutate(df,dist=as.numeric(st_distance(df,us_roads[nd,],by_element = T))/1000) %>%

#Read in all the cached data and append (bind) into a single dataframe
store_dist <- list.files("rd_cache",full.names = TRUE) %>%
  map(readRDS) %>%
  data.table::rbindlist() %>%

#Cache a dataframe with store
store_dist %>%
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>% #convert from sf to dataframe
  select(-gid) %>%


#This script constructs a dataset of convenience stores, fuel prices, and distance from major roads and estimates a regression


# Read in data
store_dist <- read_csv("https://csu-arec-330.github.io/materials/unit_03/inputs/store_dist.csv")

Let’s briefly explore the data:

  • summary statistics
datasummary(unit_price + dist ~ Mean + sd + min + max,data=store_dist)
  • plot distributions
ggpairs(data=store_dist,columns = 2:3)

Let’s remove any stores that are further than 40km from a major road.

# keep only stores within 40 km of major road
store_dist_40 <- store_dist %>%


Now, we can estimate a regression model to test our hypothesis. The lm() function (linear model) estimates a linear regression. lm requires a formula and a dataset. The formula is similar to how we would write the equation using the ~ as the equals sign. lm understands that it needs to estimate coefficients based on this model. We specify data=store_dist_40 to indicate which dataset we want it to use to estimate the model coefficients.

# Estimate regression
reg1 <- lm(unit_price ~ dist,

The summary() behaves differently depending on the argument. In this case, it will print out the regression results including the coefficient estimates, standard errors, t-values and p-values.

Interpret the coefficients. What does the (Intercept) mean? What does the dist coefficient mean?

How credible are the estimates? What are the results of the statistical hypothesis test?

You can export your regression results in a nicer looking table using the function modelsummary(). See the documentation for additional options to include additional information like p-values or confidence intervals.

#output the regression table

modelsummary(reg1,statistic = "conf.int")