Project 3 Problem Set 2: Regression analysis

Problem Set Overview

This problem set is intended to walk you through your analysis for project 3. You should make a new page on your google site that answers the following questions

Problem Set Instructions

  1. What is your question? (Recall that your question should be about the relationship between two variables: What is the association between \(x\) (an explanatory variable) and \(y\) (some outcome)?)

  2. Describe your dataset:

    1. What datasets have you joined together?

    2. What are your key variables?

    3. Generate a table of summary statistics.

    4. What is the unit of analysis?

  3. Think about the relationship between your dependent and outcome variables:

    1. Formulate an economic hypothesis that you will test with regression analysis, and explain it.

    2. Do you think the relationship is positive or negative?

    3. Should it be large or small?

  4. Estimate the regression to test your economic hypothesis. Display a regression table.

  5. Interpret your regression results.

    1. Interpret the statistical hypothesis test.

    2. Interpret the coefficient estimates. Does it support your economic hypothesis about the relationship between \(x\) and \(y\)? Explain.

    3. If your results did not support your economic hypothesis, how might you revise your analysis?

How to Submit

You should create a new webpage on your Google site titled Project 3 Problem Set 2. Submit the link to your Google site webpage in Canvas. You should work on building your own webpage, but only one member of the group needs to submit the link.